David Buckland

Photo of David Buckland

Artist and Cape Farewell Founder


  • Organiser,
  • Artist,
  • Expedition Team

David Buckland is an artist, film maker and writer. His exhibitions include the National Portrait Gallery, The Pompidou, Royal Ontario Museum and films produced for the BBC and Sundance. In 2008 Buckland directed the SHIFT festival at the South Bank in London - a week of cultural engagement to inspire the cultural and sustainable shift we must have. Another world is possible. Three years in the planning, Buckland joints forces with the Marshallese poet Kathy Jetñil-Kijiner and US artist Mike Light to yet again voyage into the unknown and narrate the possibility of Our Life is Here.

In 2001 David Buckland created and now directs the Cape Farewell project which without expectation has become a global entity. The work of the artists and climate scientists have been the subject of two major films, Art From The Arctic for the BBC and Burning Ice for Sundance, both produced by Buckland.

The notion that art can interrogate the future with some semblance of rigour has been analysed and researched and become instrumental in facing the challenge of climate change.

Buckland has co-curated major climate art exhibitions, Art & Climate Change for the National History Museum, London 2006, eARTh: Art of a changing world for the Royal Academy, U-n-f-o-l-d which has toured worldwide, Carbon 12 for the EDF foundation gallery in Paris, 2012, Carbon 13 for the Ballroom Texas, 2013 and the Carbon 14 exhibition and festival in Toronto 2013/14.